This DFG Priority Program aims at developing an interdisciplinary research program that determines fundamental principles of microbe-host interactions and thereby, providing a mechanistic understanding for the functional role of the intestinal microbiota in the regulation of both physiologic and pathologic conditions, specifically infectious and chronic inflammatory disorders of the gut. This effort goes beyond metagenomic sequence acquisition and should generate hypothesis-driven research to translate basic principles of microbe-host interaction into future clinical application. SPP 1656 will contribute to the rapidly emerging field of research on the role of the intestinal microbiota and mucosal immunity in health and disease. To accomplish this, a broad range of different scientific disciplines need to interact and to combine, exchange and further expand their complementary expertise, scientific skills, and technical platforms. This program will address the following research themes along with the aim to build and interconnect important scientific infrastructure and facilities.
1. Developing novel scientific concepts:
2. Developing infrastructure networks:
3. Training and educating the next generation: